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    Industry access to world-leading research facilities

    MAXESS is a joint access point for industry to the large-scale research infrastructures MAX IV, ESS, DESY, and the associated networks.

    Discover cases, resources, and our network of experts

    Metallurgy and Mining

    Improving cutting of ultra-high-strength steel

    SSAB, Swerim
    Nov 2018 - Nov 2019

    The Swedish steel producer SSAB with help from Swerim AB and researchers at DESY investigated residual stresses introduced at the edges of the sheet during cutting operations. Using synchrotron X-rays, the company experts found that shear cutting leads to high stresses that can be dangerous for the ultra-high-strength steel (UHSS). The information is valuable for improving the cutting processes.

    Surfaces and Interfaces

    Developing chemical-free cleaning with the help of synchrotron X-rays

    Sweden Water Research AB (SWATAB)
    Feb 2020 - Mar 2021

    Every year, billions of kilograms of detergents and cleaning agents are used globally, ending up in aquatic systems and accumulating in living organisms. To further develop a water filtration system without chemicals, SWATAB and Lund University used synchrotron X-rays at MAX IV.

    Bio-based materials and polymers

     Waste Streams for Sustainable Materials

    CelluComp Ltd
    Jan 2023

    Characterization of a new cellulose-based product by ultra small angle and wide angle scattering to cover multiple lenght scales.